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About Gines Orchids

Aloha and Welcome to Gines Orchids

Established in 1979 as a specialty producer of Dendrobium and Arachnis cut flowers Gines Orchids later became a grower of Dendrobiums and Oncidinae for the pot plant market. The nursery now specializes in orchid species and novelty hybrid breeding.



Leonard Gines

I am a Senior American Orchid Society Judge and past Chair of the Hilo region. I have traveled the world to learn how orchids grow in their natural habitat. After years of collecting stud plants I have built a solid reservoir of plant material from which forms the basis of my current lines of breeding.

Location and Climate

We are located in the Puna District on the Big Island of Hawaii. The climate along the coastal areas from sea level to about 500 feet (150 m) in elevation tends to be a mild tropical climate with fairly significant amounts of rain and milder temperatures. Trade winds, which blow from the northeast to the southwest, are the common wind throughout most days on the windward side of Puna.

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